Donative - Información y datos sobre aborto legal en México, violencia obstétrica, muerte materna y otros.
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For more than three decades we have worked for three decades so that women and people with the capacity to become pregnant can exercise their reproductive rights.

You can join our fight too!

Your donation is more than just money

Choose the type of payment you want to make:

  • Unique
  • Monthly

Choose the amount you want to donate and discover how you will support us:

  • $20
  • $30
  • $50
  • Other

With $20 USD, you support the purchase of supplies for filing amparo trials to defend the rights of women and people with the capacity to get pregnant.

With $30 USD, you help us travel to other Mexican states to provide technical assistance to local organizations

With $50 USD, you contribute to the creation of reports and brochures that allow us to disseminate information for key stakeholders and the general public.

Any amount makes it possible for us to provide comprehensive accompaniment to people who have experienced violations of their reproductive rights.

Your donation: {{{unico: 'Unique', mensual: 'Monthly'}[vm.tipoPago]}} de ${{ vm.getAmount() | number : 0 }}


Invalid amount


We are a feminist organization which seeks to achieve a social and cultural transformation in Mexico through:


To improve public policies related to reproductive rights.


To show the status of reproductive health services and obstetric violence.


To disseminate information and promote the reproductive rights of everyone.

Litigation and Case Documentation

To assist women and people with the capacity to get pregnant in their search for justice in the face of violations of their reproductive rights.

Your donation is more than just money

Choose the type of payment you want to make:

  • Unique
  • Monthly

Choose the amount you want to donate and discover how you will support us:

  • $20
  • $30
  • $50
  • Other

With $20 USD, you support the purchase of supplies for filing amparo trials to defend the rights of women and people with the capacity to get pregnant.

With $30 USD, you help us travel to other Mexican states to provide technical assistance to local organizations

With $50 USD, you contribute to the creation of reports and brochures that allow us to disseminate information for key stakeholders and the general public.

Any amount makes it possible for us to provide comprehensive accompaniment to people who have experienced violations of their reproductive rights.

Invalid amount
