Working life and reproduction archivos - Información y datos sobre aborto legal en México, violencia obstétrica, muerte materna y otros.
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GIRE is a feminist, human rights organization that has worked for almost 30 years accompanying women and other people with the ability to get pregnant in the exercise of their reproductive rights. Through a comprehensive strategy of legislative and public policy advocacy, accompaniment of cases, research and communications we aim to push forward issues such as abortion, obstetric violence, maternal mortality, work-life balance and access to assisted reproduction techniques. Safe and legal abortion, Obstetric violence, Assisted reproduction, Maternal death, Working life and reproduction, Contraception, Others,


Search for the most relevant data and norms regarding reproductive justice in Mexico


Step by Step: Mexico’s Supreme Court Rulings on Abortion

Alternative report submitted to the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

The Missing Piece: Reproductive Justice

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